Maria Vorontsova earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Saint Petersburg State University and her medical degree from Moscow State University in 2011.
She was a Ph.D. candidate at the Endocrinology Research Centre in Moscow, directed by Dedov, and administers the charity initiative Alfa-Endo for children with endocrine illnesses, with Ivan Ivanovich Dedov as her adviser.
She is now a professor with a focus on the endocrine system. She is a researcher at the Endocrinology Research Centre in Moscow and co-authored a book on stunted growth in children.
What Putin has said about daughters Katerina Tikhonova, Maria Vorontsova https://t.co/zqYiCebzHW
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 6, 2022
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She is also a successful businesswoman. According to BBC Russia, she is a co-owner of a company that plans to create a major medical complex.
Katerina Tikhonova is currently the director of Innopraktika, a $1.7 billion development project at Moscow State University to build a science complex. Her proposal competes with the Skolkovo Innovation Center and is dubbed “the anti-Skolkovo” by Stanislav Belkovsky.
She obtained her physics and mathematics degree in May 2019 after successfully defending her dissertation. Mathematical challenges of adjusting the activity of vestibular mechanoreceptors were the title of the scientific paper. A succession of scientific articles in partnership with well-known scientists preceded this. The scientific supervisor was Viktor Sadovnichiy, the rector of Moscow State University.
Tikhonova was appointed to the Russian Federation’s Government’s Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Mass Sports in December 2019.
She was named head of a new artificial intelligence institute at Moscow State University in February 2020, according to Innopraktika.