“Sugar face,” a mustache on the upper lip, and even infertility: these are just some of the effects that are related to the consumption of the insidious white crystal: sugar. Taking it off our plates and cups may not make us superheroes, but it can definitely improve our lives and our health.

We love occasional cake or coke from time to time, so we decided to find out what would happen to our bodies if we stored sugar, at least for a while. And the facts we discovered made us want to count the number of sweets we eat today. Let’s take a look at them together.

You May Get Pregnant Easier

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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Sugar is known for its ability to provide us with energy by activating insulin in the blood. But insulin is very similar to the hormones responsible for the pregnancy.

If we consume too much-refined sugar, there is so much insulin in our body that it is confused with the hormones that help the eggs to mature, so our body begins to work to reduce the level of these hormones.

As a result, there are fewer eggs maturing in our body and it becomes more difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

You Won’t Be As Hungry And Your Cravings Will Disappear

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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When sugar enters our body, it influences our mental abilities and our self-control. Studies show that sugar has an addictive effect on some parts of the brain.

When we eat sugar, our hunger-causing hormone increases, and our hunger-suppressing hormones decrease. So we start craving high-calorie foods, like cookies or pizza, and we also tend to overeat.

Your Brain Volume May Get Bigger And Your Memory May Improve

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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When our stomach tells us to eat something sweet, our brain says “no” and this is why. Studies have found that even if we don’t gain weight from eating sugar, our brains still experience discomfort, as our cognitive functions can slow down.

We may have impaired memory and weaken our decision-making. Furthermore, our brain can lose its volume and become smaller in certain areas, according to studies.

You May Stop Experiencing Mood Swings And Become More Cheerful

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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Eating too much sugar can cause mood disorders and even depression, scientists say. Diets rich in refined sugars can strengthen anxiety and prevent people from enjoying life with healthy emotions.

This is because refined sugar drains vitamin B from our body, and this is one of the main agents responsible for our mood.

Surprisingly, doctors have used insulin to treat not only diabetes, but also depression, and this treatment has shown some good results.

You May Avoid Auto-brewery Syndrome

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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Automatic brewery syndrome is a condition where food is fermented in our intestines and this process is a lot like brewing beer.

We can even get drunk from this because, during this process, ethanol is produced and released into the bloodstream.

We all have intestinal fermentation, but sugar makes things worse and turns this natural process into a feast of yeast and bacteria.

You May Avoid Having A “sugar Face.”

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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When we think of sugar, it is often associated with weight gain. But dermatologists are also concerned about this “white enemy.”

They claim that sugar causes hormonal stress, which leads to poor appearance, and has a special name: “sugar face.”

The features of the “sugar face” are a greyish skin tone, fine eyebrows, blemishes all over the face, and thinner skin.

Your Bones May Stay Strong

What Will Happen to Your Body If You Ditch Sugar Completely
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There is a widespread opinion that salt makes our bones more fragile because it removes calcium from our body when we pee.

But doctors are even more concerned about another white crystal, which can be even worse for our bones, which is sugar.

Recent research has found that sugar makes it difficult for our bodies to metabolize vitamin D and actually removes calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients from the bones.

This can lead to osteoporosis and make our bone tissue fragile.

Do you know someone who loves sugar too much? Mark them in the comments.

Source: crfatsides

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