Most banks that issue credit cards these days have systems in place to protect cardholders from fraudulent charges, theft, scams, etc. It’s a rather mundane and trivial part of the economic fabric of the United States: if there’s chicanery on your credit card, you’re probably not going to be on the hook for it.

In Williams’ case, however, things were a bit trickier. This wasn’t a matter of a thief making fraudulent purchases on her credit card. Rather, this was a case of the cardholder making the charges herself, albeit under slight duress, with the promise of getting paid back. Of course, that’s not how it worked out, and Williams was looking at owing over a year’s salary to her issuing bank.

Fortunately, her credit card company forgave most of that debt. As ABC News explains, Williams was compelled to pay back “some” of the money she’d spent covering for Sorokin, although how much of it she was on the hook for isn’t clear.
