Disorders Cure

oi-Amritha K

on May 24, 2021

After authorities have declared Black Fungus infection as an epidemic, medical experts have cited alarms over a White Fungus infection discovery. Considered to be more deadly and lethal than black fungus, reports suggest that at least four cases pertaining to the white fungus infection have been detected in Patna, Bihar.

What Is White Fungus Infection?

Like the black fungus, the white fungus is also more likely to affect people with compromised immune systems, pre-existing medical conditions, AIDS, a recent kidney transplant or diabetes; experts say [1].

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What Are The Symptoms Of White Fungus Infection?

It was observed that all four patients who had white fungus infection showed COVID-like symptoms but were found to be negative. The white fungus can affect the lungs and other parts of the body, including nails, skin, stomach, kidney, brain, private parts, and mouth. The infection can be diagnosed through CT-Scan or X-ray [2]. It is not clear if the white fungus infection is fatal.

Using tap water in the humidifier attached to an oxygen cylinder could be a major contributor to a chest infection in people on oxygen support, said experts [3].

What Causes White Fungus Infection?

White fungus infection can be caused due to low immunity or if people come in contact with things that contain these moulds like water, etc., say, experts, citing the importance of sanitation and cleaning of supplies and surroundings.

For example, unfiltered/ tap water in humidifiers/ oxygen cylinders can make patients susceptible to getting white fungus infection symptoms.

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Why Are COVID Patients Prone To White Fungus Infection? Who Is At Risk?

COVID-19 patients are more prone to white fungus as it affects the lungs, and therefore similar symptoms develop [4]. Individuals who have weak immunity due to conditions like diabetes, cancer and those who are taking steroids for a long period must take special care as they are at an increased risk of developing the infection. Individuals who are on high oxygen support are also at the risk of getting the white fungus infection.

Doctors also added that the white fungus infection might be risky for pregnant women and children [5].

What Is The Treatment For White Fungus Infection?

As per reports, patients with white fungus infection are currently being treated with anti-fungal medication. All four cases were in stable condition, with no other states have reported cases of the disease yet [6].

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White Fungus Vs Black Fungus: Why Is White Fungus More Severe?

The white fungus infection could affect the vital functioning of the body in comparison to the black fungus, which affects only the sinus and lungs.

Symptoms of black fungus infection are headache, facial pain, nasal congestion, loss of vision or pain in the eyes, swelling in cheeks and eyes and black crusts in the nose [7].

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Symptoms of white fungus infection are cough, fever, diarrhoea and dark spots on lungs, reduced oxygen level.

Several health experts and doctors have stated that, unlike the black fungus, the white fungus infection spreads more rapidly to the vital organs, including the lungs, kidneys, intestines, stomach, genitals, and other body parts as the nails, and causes widespread infection.

How To Protect Yourself From The White/Black Fungus?

Both white fungus and black fungus are reported to impact COVID-19 patients with low immunity.

To prevent black fungus infection and white fungus in COVID-19 patients, doctors suggest better control of the sugar levels during the infection treatment with or without steroids, proper use of steroids on correct time, correct dose and correct duration, and use of clean or sterile water for humidifiers during the oxygen therapy.

On A Final Note…

As of now, there is no proof suggesting that white fungus infection is spreading to other states. But experts say that irrespective of the lack of proof, the white fungus can be more dangerous than the black fungus.


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