Brendon Daugherty Wiki

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Who is Brendon Daugherty?

Brendon Daugherty is being held at the Sherburne County Jail in Elk River, Minnesota on charges of threatening to kill a US official and interstate transmission of a threat. He is due in court on Tuesday. It was not clear if he had retained an attorney to speak on his behalf.

Court documents obtained by FOX 9 Minneapolis say Daugherty allegedly left two threatening voicemails with a senator outside of Minnesota on June 11. Field office staff contacted the US Capitol Police.

“You and the Republican Party should be proud that you are pushing me to become a domestic terrorist. Have a nice [expletive] day; I can’t wait to kill you,” the first message read.I also wanted to point out that, thank God, the GOP is against gun control laws because it would keep guns out of the hands of a volatile, disabled person like me, but you guys are totally against that. So I can get to carry out my nefarious objectives, “said the second voice message, according to court documents.

FBI agents spoke with Daugherty at his Coon Rapids home on September 2. He told the agents that he made the calls because the senator was “doing a lot of stupid (expletive) with gun control” and that he wants politicians to “feel a little bit pressured,” the Star Tribune reported. .

According to court records, Daugherty, 35, was convicted in October 2018 of two felony counts for threatening to set a Pearl Vision store in Maple Grove on fire and harming employees. Daugherty was angry that he owed $80 for replacement glasses, according to the charges.
