Unless you’re hyper-focused on pro-life issues, you may not be aware of the recent spate of leftwing terror at pro-life abortion clinics, churches, and billboards across the country. Overnight, the pro-life CompasCare office, which offers services to women and children, was firebombed by a pro-abortion group that is responsible for at least one other firebombing in the country.
Graffiti on the building left by the arsonists refers to the abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge reading, “Jane Was Here.” The group took responsibility for a firebombing of a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin in May, and it could have been responsible for bombing the offices of Oregon Right to Life during the same month. It has also vandalized and destroyed multiple churches and pregnancy centers.
RedState has covered one of the previous firebombings, with my colleague Bonchie noting that the violence is escalating in a major way.
The responses to this disgusting incident devolved into open calls for more violence. Pro-abortion zealots in the replies began to celebrate the news, urging further attacks on those who seek to protect the unborn from being killed.
On Saturday, I put up a post on social media opining that over the next month or so, the country will be shown to be incurably divided. We are in the beginning stages of that, and things are going to get much darker from here. I don’t say that with any glee, but how can a society exist when one side believes violence is justified against individuals who simply don’t want babies to be stabbed in the head and sucked out of the womb?
Almost seven years ago, a man named Robert Lewis Dear Jr. killed three people and injured nine in a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. The news made headlines for days. He was an anti-abortion advocate who called himself a “warrior for the babies.” He was clearly unhinged and, despite claiming to be pro-life, took lives in an unforgivable act.
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The pro-life movement has had extremists who have taken it too far, and almost always those people (rightfully) get covered by the media. We should be denouncing that kind of violence because it hurts the cause of celebrating and advocating for life. Even the woman in New York who was caught taking fetuses from a local abortion clinic got days of headlines from mainstream outlets, even though her story actually turned out to not be as scandalous as originally believed (she suspected the clinic of wrongdoing and thought the fetuses were evidence of it).
However, when it comes to violence against pro-life groups, the media is silent. The group responsible for these attacks, “Jane’s Revenge,” is an extremist group that believes if the so-called “right” to an abortion isn’t safe, then pro-life clinics shouldn’t be safe, either. It takes a severe detachment from reality to think that babies don’t deserve a right to life and that women who are against abortion should not have access to places that help them through unwanted pregnancies and fit their beliefs.
But we’re living in a world where the extreme is starting to become mainstream, particularly on the left. The media will not cover the attacks on these places because it’s coming from their own political side, and it’s coming from a group that isn’t nearly as fringe these days as you might be led to believe — if anyone on the left talks about it at all.
That is the problem, though. They aren’t willing to talk about this one. If you were to run a Google search for “Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood,” you’ll see headline after headline. If you were to search for “CompassCare Buffalo,” you’ll see just a link to the LifeNews story I linked above, and you’ll have to scroll down a ways to find it. It’s not on any media outlet’s radar, nor will it be.
We should always call out our side for insane and extremist behavior. We should denounce Robert Lewis Dear, Jr. and others. But the left should call out their side, and the media shouldn’t ignore one side over another. Political violence is getting more and more dangerous, and ignoring any of it only leads to escalation.