A woman has slammed a ‘selfish’ mother-of-one who smashed into her car with a Mini before swapping seats with a friend in a bid to dodge a drink driving ban.

Hairdresser Emma Gunning, 34, attempted to falsely claim she was the passenger of her silver Mini One after she ploughed into another vehicle while out looking for her missing pet dog. 

Police arrived at the scene of the crash to find a male companion in the driver’s seat of Gunning’s car trying to start it.

Today, Gunning was jailed for just eight weeks after she admitted driving with excess alcohol and obstructing police. 

Now, the woman whose car she crashed into has spoken out about the misery and cost of the accident that happened as she slept.

Joeanne Neil, 49, who works at a vet’s, said: ‘It has left me without a car, and ended up costing me thousands of pounds.

‘The way the driver acted that night should have seen her banned from driving for life, not five years. She was paralytic and she was too selfish to even admit responsibility through her insurers.’ 

Emma Gunning, pictured, was five times the drink drive limit when she crashed into a parked car while out looking for her missing dog on December 9, 2020 in Wigan

Emma Gunning, pictured, was five times the drink drive limit when she crashed into a parked car while out looking for her missing dog on December 9, 2020 in Wigan

Emma Gunning, pictured, was five times the drink drive limit when she crashed into a parked car while out looking for her missing dog on December 9, 2020 in Wigan

The mother-of-one, pictured, was jailed for eight weeks by magistrates after she admitted drink driving. The court heard this was her second conviction for drink driving

The mother-of-one, pictured, was jailed for eight weeks by magistrates after she admitted drink driving. The court heard this was her second conviction for drink driving

The mother-of-one, pictured, was jailed for eight weeks by magistrates after she admitted drink driving. The court heard this was her second conviction for drink driving

Ms Neil, who lives with two of her three grown up children on the main A58 road in Wigan, was woken by the crash outside her bedroom window.

She looked out to see that her grey Fiat 500 had been shunted three houses down and there was a man trying to push the offending Mini One out from where it had wedged into another neighbour’s car.

Joeanne said: ‘I went outside and there was a man trying to push the Mini back onto the road. The male passenger shouted at me, ‘Hey up love, give us a shove and we will be on our way’.

‘I could tell that he was drunk, they all were. The man who was trying to push her car claimed he was a passer by, which CCTV showed he wasn’t, and he walked off.

‘Then, before the police arrived, the passenger moved into the driver’s seat and Emma Gunning got out of the driver’s seat and tried to walk round the car.

‘She fell over four times trying to do this and because the passenger door was wedged to my neighbour’s car, she ended up climbing in through the window head first. For a little while you could just see her feet dangling out.’

Gunning was nailed by CCTV footage which showed her attempt to dodge justice.

She had been drinking vodka with friends while her child was staying with friends and claimed she had only got into her car to look for her dog.

Joeanne thought that was unlikely as she was several miles from her home when the crash happened and was more likely giving her friends a lift home.

Now the driver’s selfish actions have left Joeanne, the injured party, with a series of costly headaches.

‘I’d been buying that car for four and a half years,’ she said. ‘In June it would have been mine but it was a write-off and now I’ll be back at the start of another costly finance deal.

The court heard that Gunning is the primary carer for her daughter 'for some considerable time'

The court heard that Gunning is the primary carer for her daughter 'for some considerable time'

The court heard that Gunning is the primary carer for her daughter ‘for some considerable time’

‘My work is a 52 mile round trip so I wasn’t able to go in for two days while insurance sorted out a courtesy car and that was unpaid leave.

‘Then because she refused to answer any emails, texts or calls about the accident, or even admit liability I had the courtesy car for 10 weeks which cost me £4,000.’

Joeanne has been paid just over £5,000 for her old car and the courtesy car has been taken away just as her elderly mother mosts needs her help.

‘I am fuming really,’ she said. ‘My Mum who is 75 fractured her back a fortnight ago and she’s home now but needs my help with shopping and I’ve got no car.

‘I know she was crying in court but she got off very lightly. She’ll have to pay £128 in court fees but she’ll be out of jail in two or three weeks and driving again in a few years.

‘As far as I’m concerned she should have been banned from driving for life. She could barely stand up and to get behind a wheel in that state is unforgivable.’  

A suspicious patrolman refused to believe Gunning’s story and found CCTV which showed she was driving the Mini at the time of the crash.

Tests showed Gunning, from Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, Greater Manchester had 162 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

Inquiries revealed she had a previous drink driving conviction from 2016.

At Wigan Magistrates’ court, Gunning broke down and sobbed as she was jailed for eight weeks after she admitted driving with excess alcohol and obstructing police.

The court heard the incident occurred on December 9 last year after Gunning drank vodka with her friend at home while her young daughter was having a sleepover.

Prosecutor Miss Nicola Morgan said: ‘She went out in her silver Mini One and had a collision with a green Fiat 500, which rolled into a Volkswagen Golf.

The court heard that Gunning’s car would not start as a result of the damage it suffered and CCTV footage showed Gunning swapping seats with her friend before the arrival of police. 

Following her arrest, Gunning, on legal advice, answered ‘no comment’ in an interview. 

Gunning had previously been caught driving at more than twice the limit after being stopped on pub car park.

Gunning, pictured, had tried to deceive police by swapping seats with her friend following the smash

Gunning, pictured, had tried to deceive police by swapping seats with her friend following the smash

Gunning, pictured, had tried to deceive police by swapping seats with her friend following the smash

In mitigation defence lawyer Mr Martin Jones said: ‘She was at home and her daughter was at a sleepover and unusually she decided to drink a considerable amount of alcohol.

‘It was soon after that she became concerned that her dog had gone missing, so she got into her car, driving for a short distance whilst looking for her dog.

‘The defendant then crashed her vehicle. She is remorseful and accepts that it was totally and utterly wrong and she doesn’t attempt to try and justify what she did.

‘She entered her guilty pleas immediately without any hesitation and co-operated fully. She has been not driven or drank since and that’s how she wants to carry on in the future.

‘Before COVID, she had been a mobile hairdresser and she acknowledges any plans of this have now been thwarted and that she will have to seek some sort of alternative employment.

‘She has been having hallucinations, but she is now on new medication and that is working much better for her.

‘The relationship has improved with the child’s father. She is the primary carer for her daughter, so the child would suffer significantly with the change of circumstances as she has been the primary carer now for some considerable time.

‘She realises the position she has put herself in. She asks the court for leniency by way of a suspended sentence rather than imposing a custodial prison sentence today.’

But JPs told Gunning: ‘You consumed a quite considerable amount of alcohol and then decided to drive your vehicle, causing a danger to other road users, which could have led to a possible death.

‘There was a road traffic collision which saw your car collide with another. When the police arrived, you refused arrest and initially lied to avoid the consequences of your actions saying you were not the driver.

‘We are unable to consider a suspended sentence and it is therefore clear a sentence of imprisonment is justifiable in these circumstances. The amount of alcohol you consumed is within the very highest of our sentencing guidelines.’

Gunning was also banned from driving for five years, was ordered to take an extended driving re-tests and must pay £128 in costs and surcharges.


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