Overweight since childhood, being big was all Sharon knew. That was until the now 53-year-old decided that enough was enough and totally transformed her diet – and body.
Sharon credited her unhealthy weight to her eating habits in younger years: “I was overweight since I was a child,” reported the Liverpool Echo.
“It was probably down to the lifestyle – everything was fried in the 1970s.
“That was the culture though, poor management of food and the way my family cooked.”
Sharon was also unlucky gene-wise, revealing that her mum and grandmother had also had “severe weight problems”.
Consequently, she took her bad habits into adulthood, stating: “I never knew any different – it was how I had always been.”
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At her heaviest, the mum tipped the scales at 23 stone and nine pounds.
While she did attempt to lose weight, trying several methods including Weight Watchers, Slimming World and Rosemary Conley, Sharon was only able to lose a maximum of five stone.
Although an impressive weight loss, Sharon had not quite overcome her “serious weight problem”.
What made matters worse was when lockdown forced Sharon to work at her living room table instead of going into the office.
“The student experience administrator at the University of Liverpool stated: “We started working from home back in the March. I was working from our dining room and the kitchen is just off it.
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“Obviously I had a serious weight problem as it was, but being by the kitchen it got much worse than it was.”
While she wasn’t deeply concerned with her weight, she did some research and came across Get Slim, and thought, “What have I got to lose?”
This internet search changed her life as she knew it: “It proved to be a life changing moment. Since then I haven’t looked back. Something just clicked this time.”
The GetSlim’s 28-day Lean and Clean plan was “exactly” what Sharon needed to kick-start her weight loss journey.
“I cut out all cakes, sweets and what we call ‘naughty’ foods for a month.
Before her transformation, Sharon would snack on several packets of crisps per day, chips, buttered toast and bacon.
She has now swapped these foods for porridge, omelettes, soup, plenty of protein, new potatoes and vegetables.
By November 2021, Sharon had lost a mind-blowing 12 stone, and now weighs in at 11 stone seven pounds, with plans to further reduce her weight so her BMI is at a healthy level.
Previously fearing social situations and even flying because of her size, Sharon looks forward to getting abroad at some point.
The slim mum has turned heads since her transformation.
“I think it was October 2021 when the shock hit people, this is when I went back to work one day a week – physically into work – that’s when a lot people saw not just head and shoulders but the whole of me.
“My family and very close friends have seen it and they were shocked at the transformation.”
For many, the transformation was incomprehensible: “People who hadn’t seen me for a long time, they didn’t even believe it was me.”
Source: Daily Express | Diet