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oi-Amritha K

on June 4, 2020

Workplace injuries not only affect the injured person but also the business. From lost productivity to medical bills, the best way is to avoid them. Accidents in the workplace happen more often than you think and there are a number of risks and hazards, especially if you work at heights and close to hazardous materials.

In this article, we will look at some tips that can help you avoid workplace accidents. The article will look at the tips to avoid workplace accidents from both the employee’s and the employer’s point of view.


1. Implement a safety and wellness plan

The first and foremost step to be taken in ensuring a safe workplace is to establish an effective accident prevention and wellness program [1]. The program should be inclusive of programs related to employee safety and health, which ensure and encourage observation and to report hazardous practices or behaviour.

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2. Educate the employees

It is important to have regular sessions or meetings that promote the importance of safety standard among employees and management staff. Train employees about the importance of following safety measures and how it can help reduce strain injuries and keep employees safe in the workplace [2].


3. Provide protection equipment

Every employee should be provided with protective equipment, and conduct sessions to teach employees how to properly use goggles, face protection, gloves, hard hats, safety shoes, and earplugs or earmuffs.

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4. Monitor the employees

Even though the employees are given regular training on safety, reinforce safety measures at every opportunity such as during staff meetings. Rewarding employees who follow the safety guidelines can influence and push others to do the same [3].


5. Reduce workplace stress

Excessive stress and work pressure can seriously affect your employees’ performance and can also lead to unpredictable behaviour that may contribute to workplace injuries [4]. Studies point out that excessive pressure can cause employees to take shortcuts leading to serious accidents [5].


6. Pay attention to housekeeping

Keeping a keen and attentive eye can help prevent significant property damage and serious health hazards. According to safety experts, a workplace safety plan should include proper housekeeping measures and point out that workplace housekeeping is not limited to just cleaning floors. It includes keeping the work area free of hazardous waste materials such as chemical and toxic waste, combustible dust, and other flammables [6].

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8. Regular monitoring should be done

Implementing a workplace safety plan is the first and foremost step, however, it is equally important to have constant monitoring and supervision. Managers and supervisors must ensure that everyone in the workplace is adhering to the safety regulations.


Tips For Employees To Prevent Workplace Accidents

Here are some basic and general actions that you can take to avoid workplace accidents and injuries.

  • Remain alert while you are on the job
  • Always work in the proper dress code (safety helmets, hazard suites etc.)
  • Participate in emergency drills so you will know what to do in a real emergency
  • Follow the safety program of your workplace
  • Ensure that you never do anything that puts your health and safety at risk
  • When in doubt, ask questions

On A Final Note…

Workplace injuries can seriously affect productivity and employee morale. Improving workplace safety can improve workers’ performance. Just providing safety equipment and basic training is not enough and both employers and employees should take the necessary precautionary measures to prevent accidents at work.


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Story first published: Thursday, June 4, 2020, 19:00 [IST]

Source: boldsky blog

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