World Food Safety Day: Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe For Consumption?
World Food Safety Day: Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe For Consumption?

Genetically modified foods are made by genetically altering the DNA of edible plants or animals via engineering methods. The aim is to make them more nutritious and eco-friendly.

When you hear about genetically modified foods, you might think that they are less healthy, tasteless, extra shiny and extra processed foods. The popular misconception behind genetically modified foods is that they may be naturally beautified or beefed up and that might be unhealthy. But, according to data and survey, India is the fifth-largest producer of genetically modified food in the world. Lets us understand what all the fuss is about.

What Are Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically modified foods are made by genetically altering the DNA of edible plants or animals via engineering methods. When they tweak the genetics of the edible plants, for instance, they may delete some of them or transfer and switch genes between two plants or species. If there are any genes which might make people ill, the scientists will delete it. In case another plant contains some genes which may be an added advantage for health, they might add it during the modification. Scientists sometimes add certain bacteria containing insect repellant properties in the food too. The main process of modifying these foods is to make the crop more hardy, ensure more yield, resistant to diseases, herbicides and pests. This is how the food is healthier and more nutritious.

What Are Its Health Aspects?

Experts say that GM foods are sometimes more healthy than normal foods.

  • Tastier food
  • Food may be tastier.
  • Foods may be more nutritious because they are altered in such way.
  • Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such as water and fertilizer)
  • Supply of food may be more with reduced cost and long shelf life.
  • Less use of pesticides.
  • Faster growing plants and animals.
  • Food with more desirable traits, such as potatoes that produce less of a cancer-causing substance when fried.
  • Medicinal foods that could be used as vaccines or other medicines.

Why Are Some People Concerned About Them?

However nutritious these foods have been reported to be, people still have some health concerns.

  • People fear that the food they are manufacturing after genetically modifying it may cause allergic or toxic reactions.
  • Genetic changes may be unexpected and even harmful.
  • There might be inadvertent transfer of genes from one animal or a plant or vice versa, when the genetic modification was not actually intended in the first place.
  • Foods might also turn out to be less nutritious.

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