One of the side effects of the Scott Adams controversy was a side conversation that appeared thanks to Twitter CEO Elon Musk.
I won’t go into Dilbert Creator Scott Adams’ controversy too much, but you can read Jeff Charles’s take on it in order to catch up. The long and short of it is that Adams misread a poll that lead him to believe that the majority of black Americans disapprove of white people in general. This lead him to tell white people to avoid black people.
(READ: Who Says It’s Not Okay to Be White?)
That assertion was, of course, mistaken but it did spark a secondary conversation from Musk that absolutely was true. One person commented that the mainstream media had labeled Adams as racist but leaves the racism committed against white people out of its conversation. Musk responded that yes, “the media is racist” and then made a claim that it has a strong bias against white people and Asians.
For a *very* long time, US media was racist against non-white people, now they’re racist against whites & Asians.
Same thing happened with elite colleges & high schools in America.
Maybe they can try not being racist.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 26, 2023
Naturally, this caused a reaction that had the usual suspects screeching that we’ve drifted so far into the realm of white supremacy that the richest man in the world and the leader of a major social media company can just say something like “the media is racist against white and Asian people.”
Only he’s not wrong. The media is incredibly racist and you can see it with the naked eye.
For one, you can play one of my favorite games in almost any situation where a white guy is canceled for “racism,” a game called “what if X had said it.”
Let’s take Adams’ predicament, for instance. What if Adams had said the exact same thing about avoiding black people, only we replaced his white skin with black skin and made his comments about white people? Would the media still be scrambling to cover what Adams said?
You and I both know the answer is no, and instead of getting canceled, Adams would probably be offered a job either at a cable news channel like CNN or MSNBC or he might even be hired to write the next run of Captain America comics. I mean, it worked for Ta Nehisi Coates.
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Remember the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign that the media had cooked up in response to the rash of anti-Asian sentiment running through America that was supposedly being spread by white supremacists? Do you remember how it abruptly ended?
That was mainly due to the fact that the people assaulting Asians weren’t primarily white and there weren’t a lot of white supremacists exactly out there doing the deed. More and more evidence revealed that the primary culprits were black males. As a result, the media quietly stopped pushing the movement when people started to point out who was doing all the hating. The media’s frustration was actually voiced by a CNN Director when Project Veritas got him to admit to an undercover reporter that the violence being done on Asians by black men was making it hard to craft a narrative.
It was in that same interview that this director admitted that if a mass shooter wasn’t white, they tend to let the story go. It’s here you see another aspect of the MSM’s racism. In order for a mass shooting to become something big, the shooter must meet certain criteria in terms of identity.
Back in 2021, the media exploded after a mass shooting at a Colorado King Sooper left 10 dead. You can practically see the saliva dripping from the mouths of journalists who already had their fingers pointed directly at white people. Then it was revealed that the shooter was a Syrian immigrant named Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa.
Suddenly, the media went silent. They had declared it was a white supremacist, Trump-supporting MAGA nut, but once the identity was revealed it went quite as a church.
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Speaking of shootings, the media seems to go incredibly silent when it comes to black-on-black crime in many cities due to several reasons. For one, these are typically blue cities, and bringing this kind of crime up makes them look bad. Secondly, and very importantly, highlighting the fact that crime is being overwhelmingly committed by black people in those cities is racist by their rules. They can’t talk about it even if they wanted to, which causes untold amounts of further destruction to black lives.
Speaking of black lives, they seemed to matter quite a bit whenever Trump was running for president. The group became the most powerful unofficial political group in America in 2019 leading up to the 2020 election. As it did during the 2016 election, once the votes were in and the dust was settled, Black Lives Matter suddenly disappeared, but it left behind dead bodies, smoldering communities, and a mess of questions about what happened to all the money the organization had gathered. Even weirder was the fact that its Marxist (their self-descriptor, not mine) co-leader was now the owner of a multi-million dollar home in a white neighborhood.
(READ: With Power Attained and Money Made, Black Lives Matter Fades Into the Background)
Where was the media on all of this? There was a smattering of reports but if you were hoping the media would stay with it and do some investigating themselves, you’re sorely mistaken. The media will not endanger their leftist rep by investigating the movement they’d spent years backing.
What they will do, however, is spend years “investigating” a Trump uprising of dangerous white MAGA supporters at the Capitol.
You can probably think of a lot more examples. Put them in the comments if you do.
Otherwise, you get the point. The media definitely has it out for white and Asian people. It selectively reports based on race, and if you’re white or Asian, then prepare to be the bad guy in pretty much every story that remotely contains a modicum of a racial topic.
Elon is right. Perhaps the media should try not being racist.