When you think of abortions, do you think of Walmart? A newly revealed missive makes the connection.
According to a memo sent to employees Friday, the company’s healthcare plans will now provide abortion coverage “when there is a health risk to the mother, rape or incest, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or lack of fetal viability.”
Per The Associated Press, Walmart previously only offered coverage “when the health of the mother would be in danger if the fetus were carried to term, the fetus could not survive the birthing process, or death would be imminent after birth.”
Presumably due to the undoing of Roe v. Wade, travel will be included:
Donna Morris, the retailer’s chief people officer, said in the memo to staff that the new policy will also offer “travel support” for workers seeking abortions covered under its health care plans — as well as their dependents — so they can access services that are not available within 100 miles of their locations.
Of course, Walmart isn’t the only company to offer post-Roe abortion assistance — others include American Express, Bank of America, and (Facebook parent company) Meta.
Even so, the chain’s announcement appears quite far from its well-known Christian beginnings.
From Belief.net:
[L]ate (founder) Sam Walton had a deep Presbyterian faith that he used as a basis for all his business decisions. Walmart has long made efforts to reach out to the religious community, including hiring a former nun to govern company policies or inviting church officials to its corporate headquarters to help combat negative publicity. Bethany Moreton, assistant professor of history and women’s studies at the University of Georgia, said Walton worked into the company’s corporate structure the idea of “service leadership” that ties worker roles into the concept that “Christ was a servant leader,” and emphasizes the importance in Christian tradition of serving others.
Some conservative leaders are taking Walmart to task over its pro-abortion update. The Daily Wire reports that several groups issued a joint letter Wednesday to CEO Doug McMillon condemning the company’s “woke policies.”
Among those who signed:
- William L. Walton, CPAC Executive Board Member
- Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Woman for America (CWA)
- Jim DeMint, Chairman of Conservative Partnership Institute and Fmr. U.S Senator (SC)
- Kevin Roberts, President of The Heritage Foundation
- Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
- Ken Blackwell, Former Ambassador to the UN Human Rights Commission
- Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council
From the letter:
Surely as board members with a fiduciary responsibility to your shareholders, you must understand the Walmart’s increasingly woke policies are alienating millions of your customers who will take their business elsewhere. …
It also does not escape our attention that supporting such a heinous policy conveniently keeps women at their Walmart jobs rather than at home caring for themselves and their babies.
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Not only is your pro-abortion policy reprehensible, but your touting of a small increase in adoption benefits as a way to atone for what you know to be an immoral, anti-woman policy is offensive, especially for women. Why was the increase not offered before? Why now? Americans know why.
The letter observes that “Walmart has relied on conservative organizations and office holders to further policies that benefited Walmart, its shareholders, and its customers” in the past.
However, a change is upon us:
We can no longer tolerate your leftist policy agenda – particularly when it facilitates the harming of innocent human life. … Conservatives who seek a government that reflects their values should take their business elsewhere. And no self-proclaimed conservative official or conservative organization should accept funding from Walmart while it supports the policies of the woke left.
Concerning Walmart’s Christian visionary, the letter was particularly pointed:
Your founder Sam Walton would be appalled.
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