A scary moment in the New York gubernatorial race fortunately ended without injury, at least to the intended victim. Rep. Lee Zeldin, the GOP nominee against incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul, managed to grab the wrist of his attacker before the man could use what looked like bladed brass knuckles to inflict serious or deadly injuries. Zeldin credited his running mate Alison Esposito and others near the stage with stopping the attack (via Leah Barkoukis):
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I’m ok, and @EspositoforNY, and all other attendees are safe. The attacker is in custody. Grateful for the attendees who stepped up quickly to assist and the law enforcement officers who quickly responded. I’m as resolute as ever to do my part to make NY safe again.
— Lee Zeldin (@leezeldin) July 22, 2022
Zeldin also acknowledged law enforcement’s fast response under the circumstances, but didn’t sound as sanguine about the prosecutors and courts:
His words as he tried to stab me a few hours ago were “you’re done”, but several attendees, including @EspositoforNY, quickly jumped into action & tackled the guy.
Law enforcement was on the scene within minutes.
The attacker will likely be instantly released under NY’s laws. pic.twitter.com/wZEyIyrjFe
— Lee Zeldin (@leezeldin) July 22, 2022
We’ll get back to that in a moment. Esposito, a former New York City police officer, also made it clear that this attack underscores the need for change in New York:
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The attack on @leezeldin at our rally tonight highlights exactly why I’m ALL IN to help him secure our streets. Thankful for the law enforcement officers who responded & all who aided in apprehending the attacker. We are safe & the Zeldin-Esposito ticket won’t be deterred.
— Alison Esposito (@EspositoforNY) July 22, 2022
As for Zeldin’s prediction, come on man. It seems unlikely that any court or prosecutor will let this attacker, identified by police as 43-year-old David Jakubonis, just walk out of jail on his own recognizance, Zeldin’s quip aside. Oh, wait are you kidding me …
Police added that Jakubonis, who is from Fairport, had been charged with attempted assault in the second degree and “arraigned in Perinton Town Court and released on his own recognizance.”
Say what? The man had bladed brass knuckles and was attacking a candidate for office. This seems a little more serious than “assault in the second degree,” but even if that’s the best charge that can be brought, it’s still a felony in New York. Shouldn’t Jakubonis have been forced to provide bail for his release, at least?
Maybe Zeldin’s a prophet after all.
Newsweek has more on Jakubonis:
According to the profile, he studied clinical laboratory sciences at George Washington University and criminal justice at Rochester Institute of Technology, then worked for five years as a lab technician in the U.S. Army.
Get ready for lots of sob-story coverage of the perp on that basis; if his attorney has any experience at all, he or she will hire a PR specialist up front. However, the incident will only strengthen Zeldin’s main campaign message of law and order being the first priority for New York. Thankfully, Zeldin and Esposito had the instincts to stop this attack before it did real damage and can continue making that argument in New York.