5-Day Apple Diet: A Quick Way to Lose Weight

  • Apples curb hunger and prevent overeating
  • Day 1 includes only apples; later days add juices and low-calorie foods
  • Follow a strict 1200-calorie limit for maximum results

When it comes to losing those extra pounds, everybody tries different things and wonder drugs, heavy training, or quits halfway through because of the useless attempts. However, there’s an effective and simple approach that can help you lose weight rapidly in just five days: the 5-day apple diet (1 Trusted Source
Weight Loss Associated With Consumption of Apples: A Review

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This diet is especially suitable for people who wish to shed up to 6 lbs in several days. Stay with me as we discuss how this diet plan works and what you should expect when on this program.

What is this 5-Day Apple Diet?

The apple diet is based on a certain meal program that takes five consecutive days and in which apples dominate.

A clear breakdown of the Apple Diet Plan:

Duration: The diet lasts for five consecutive days

Day 1:

Eat only apples for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (no other foods).

Day 2:
Breakfast and dinner: Apples only.

Lunch: You can eat other fruits and vegetables.


Days 3 to 5:
Breakfast and dinner: Apples continue to be a key component.

Other options for meals include:

It is a good diet for losing weight within a short period because it is a low-calorie diet and apples are high in fiber content that makes you feel full.


Five Things You Have to Know about the Apple Diet

1. Packed with the Nutrients and Low in Calories
It’s low in calories, an apple contains between 80 – 100 calories and is also a source of a variety of vitamins and minerals. Its nutritional values are involved in various activities within the body such as the nervous system, and help to maintain balance when one is on a low-calorie diet.

2. Fiber Binds Fat

Fiber present in apples tends to secure fat globules in your system and stop their assimilation. This process also assists in the attainment of reduced fat storage, which is a major criterion, when it comes to weight loss.

3. Appetite Suppressant

Any probe into eating habits will reveal that it is almost unheard of to savor an apple before meals as it tends to lead to less eating at any given meal time. Apples make you feel full for longer thus minimizing cases of indulging in your meals. This is less of a problem since it simplifies staying on a calorie deficit, which is needed for the weight loss process.

4. Strict Calorie Limit

It has to be emphasized that when following the apple diet, the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1200 calories. For the first day, any food consumed has to be an apple. For the rest of the four days you should take other forms of fruits and vegetables and even shakes but ensure you do not exceed the 1500 calories limit for best results.

5. Progressive Diet Plan

On the first two days, you start gradually adding new foods such as smoothies and dairy products into the diet. This ensures that your diet is healthy while on the same note apples remain the king of fruits and hence the base diet. After ending the five days, you should be able to notice some impressive differences with regards to the weight.

Advantages of Taking the Apple Diet
Not only does it help people lose weight but it gives your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. This diet does not need elaborate preparations of meals and is perfect for people who are trying to lose some weight fast.

Apart from helping people lose weight, the apple diet has a number of other benefits to the body.

Antioxidants flavonoids and polyphenols that are found in abundance in apples reduce the probabilities of oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. They also contain low cholesterol, promote heart health, and good digestion because of the fiber content in them.

By the same token, apples work very well in moderating the blood sugar levels, thus this diet can be ideal for those patients who are suffering from insulin resistance. This easy-to-follow meal plan can also help to set the foundation for overhauling poor dietary choices due to the desensitizing effect it has on the ability to crave junk food.

Disclaimer: The content presented in this report is not for the purpose of providing diagnosis, treatment, or recommending any medication. As a word of caution, anyone who is planning to go on a new diet, including the 5-day apple diet, should first clear this with the doctor in order to avoid the risks to individual conditions.


  1. Weight Loss Associated With Consumption of Apples: A Review – (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29630462/)


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