From wintertime trekkers to warm-weather trail runners, all outdoors people deserve the best hiking socks for their feet and preferred activities. Much like the right pair of hiking boots, the right pair of socks can make a world of difference during long thru-hiking and backpacking trips, day hikes that turn chilly and rainy, and sweaty runs. In the same way that there are myriad ways you can recreate in nature, there’s a wide range of socks to choose from for hiking. Luckily, there are a few key design elements to consider (and help you narrow the field) when shopping for a hiking sock that’s a cut above the rest.
For those who prioritize comfort, there are full cushion socks with plush footbeds. For hikers who want to avoid sweaty feet at all costs, there are plenty of socks made with breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that’ll dry quickly and keep odors at bay. There’s a range of lengths and weights to choose from, depending on one’s preferred level of coverage, compression, and warmth. Amid all this variety, it’s important to keep one thing in mind: your comfort. A good pair of hiking socks will make it easy to enjoy the great outdoors—without having to reach down and adjust them every five minutes.
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Here, we’ve selected 12 highly-rated hiking socks from top-rated outdoor brands. From durable Darn Tough socks that’ll wick moisture and absorb impact to Injinji liner sets that’ll spare your soles from hot spots, these are the best hiking socks for you and your feet.
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Source: SELF