Nipah Alert Sounded In Kerala After Two Unnatural Deaths: Know All About Nipah Virus Symptoms And Treatment
Nipah Alert Sounded In Kerala After Two Unnatural Deaths: Know All About Nipah Virus Symptoms And Treatment

From subclinical (asymptomatic) infection to severe respiratory disease and deadly encephalitis, the nipah virus can cause a variety of diseases.

The Kerala Health Department sounded a health alert in Kozhikode district on Monday following two “unnatural” deaths suspected to be due to the Nipah virus infection. The Nipah virus is a deadly zoonotic viral infection that can cause severe and life-threatening encephalitis, a brain infection (this can kill the patient within minutes).

Speaking to the media, the state’s health officials stated that the first death was reported on Saturday. A 12-year-old kid was brought to a Kozhikode hospital with complaints of vomiting, headache, and fever, he was immediately admitted and given medication, however, within a few hours, the kid died. The second death was also registered in the same city on Sunday, where a 31-year-old man who was suffering from similar symptoms was admitted to the same hospital. However, in the second case, the symptoms were much more severe which led caused the patient’s sudden death.

Taking cognizance of the situation, the state’s health minister, Veena George, convened a high-level meeting to examine the situation, according to a statement released by the health department on Monday evening. In the statement by the state government, it is written that the doctors are assuming the deaths to be caused by the highly lethal and infectious Nipah virus.

Nipah Virus Infection: All You Need To Know

The rare but deadly Nipah virus can pass from animals to people. Contact with the blood, saliva, or other body fluids of infected animals is required for the transmission of this deadly virus. Additionally, the virus can also be transmitted by respiratory droplets released when sneezing or coughing.

The World Health Organisation stated that the Nipah virus infection is a zoonotic disease that is passed from animals to humans and can also be spread through tainted food or directly from person to person.

Symptoms of Nipah Virus Infection

Fever, headache, vomiting, and respiratory issues are among the signs of Nipah virus infection. In severe situations, the virus can result in encephalitis, a fatal brain illness.

What Causes Nipah Virus Infection?

The Nipah virus, a zoonotic virus that may transfer from animals to humans, is what causes Nipah virus illness. The virus is present in bats and can be spread to people by coming into touch with their saliva, blood, or other bodily fluids. Additionally, the virus can be transmitted by respiratory droplets released when sneezing or coughing.

How To Treat Yourself After Contracting The Nipah Virus?

There is no specific treatment for Nipah virus infection. Supportive treatment includes symptom management techniques. Although there is a Nipah virus vaccine, it is not readily accessible.

Avoiding contact with bats is the greatest approach to avoid contracting the Nipah virus. The following precautions should be taken if you reside in a region where the Nipah virus is prevalent:

  1. Keep your distance from bats.
  2. Never consume bat saliva or urine, or eat bat flesh.
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.
  4. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose.
  5. The moment you suspect you may have been exposed to the Nipah virus, get medical help.

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