Recognizing the significance of preserving flexibility becomes more apparent as time unfolds. The capacity to navigate life with functional fitness, ensuring independence, opens numerous doors for fun and activities. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or embarking on the initial steps toward a healthier, more active lifestyle, embracing flexibility exercises emerges as a fundamental pillar for maintaining agility and mobility as you age gracefully. In this article, I give you a few of my favorite flexibility exercises to stay active and mobile, ranging from well-known static stretches focusing on flexibility to dynamic movements empowering mobility.

Get ready to boost your vitality, improve your wellness, and have more fun enjoying life. Plus, the majority of these movements boast multi-faceted options. You can integrate them into warm-up routines, cool-down sessions, or dedicated mobility workouts, making them exceptionally advantageous for active and recovery days.

Keep reading for my 10 best flexibility exercises to stay active and mobile as you age. And when you’re finished, be sure to check out the 7 Balance Exercises a 60-Year-Old Yoga Instructor Does For Peak Mobility.


cat-cow pose illustration

First up on this list of flexibility exercises is the cat/cow. Cat/cow movements are exceptional for mobilizing your back and spine, guiding you through thoracic extension and flexion. This dynamic exercise is a potent remedy for alleviating back pain while elevating upper back mobility and refining shoulder blade function.

Start by placing your hands under your shoulders and aligning your knees under your hips. Inhale and deeply exhale as you arch your upper back, pulling your hips toward your abdomen, forming the cat pose. Inhale again, lifting your chest and head while lowering your abdomen and rib cage to the floor, transitioning into the cow pose. Perform two to three sets of 10 to 15 reps. Aim to hold each position for two to three seconds.

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Quadruped T-Spine Rotations

T-spine rotations add a dynamic dimension to your upper back and shoulder movements, offering an enhanced range of motion. This exercise elevates rotational mobility in your thoracic spine, stretches your lats, and improves your shoulder mobility. While exercises like cat/cows primarily involve forward and backward movements, incorporating T-Spine rotations introduces lateral and rotational motions.

Perform quadruped T-spine rotations by starting in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Place your right hand behind your head, exhale, and rotate your right elbow toward the ceiling, opening your chest to the right. Inhale, return to the starting position, and switch to your left hand. Complete two to three sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Child’s Pose

woman doing child's pose

Child’s pose is a versatile posture with numerous benefits for maintaining an active and mobile lifestyle as you age. This gentle pose improves spinal flexibility and posture and reduces stiffness in your joints. It also enhances hip flexibility, is crucial for maintaining a functional range of motion, and softly targets your knees and ankles.

Start in a tabletop position, and sit back on your heels with your knees slightly apart or together. As you exhale, extend your arms on the mat, lowering your chest toward the floor and resting your forehead or chest on the mat. Relax your hips toward your heels, feeling a stretch in your back, shoulders, and arms. Perform two to three sets of 30 to 60-second holds. Focus on deep inhale and exhale breaths.

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Prone Snow Angels

Next on my roundup of the best flexibility exercises is the prone snow angel. Prone snow angels, sometimes called “swimmers,” offer a range of benefits, including enhanced shoulder and scapular stability, improved thoracic spine mobility, and increased muscle endurance in the upper back, shoulders, and arms. It’s an excellent combo exercise that involves both active muscle movements and varying degrees of mobility.

Start by lying face down, reaching your arms overhead. Lift your arms and chest off the ground slightly, then execute a controlled sweeping motion, mimicking the pattern of making a snow angel. Keep your head neutral and your arms off the ground. Return to the starting position with control, and repeat the motion for the desired repetitions. Complete two to three sets of eight to 15 reps with 60 seconds of rest between sets.

Side-Lying Quad Stretch

The side-lying quad stretch targets improving mobility and flexibility in the hips and quadriceps, effectively relieving tightness and optimizing function. If you experience lingering tightness in the front of your hip or knee, this exercise is tailored for you. Its adaptability allows it to be executed as a static stretch for deepening flexibility or as a dynamic mobility exercise for a more active approach.

Lie on one side with your bottom arm extended overhead to perform a side-lying quad stretch. Bend your top knee, bringing the heel toward your hip, and reach back with your top hand, grabbing the top of your foot. Gently pull your heel toward your hips, feeling the stretch along the front of your quads. Repeat on the other side. Perform two to three sets of 15 to 30-second holds. Complete 15 to 20 reps with a two to three-second hold for a dynamic approach.

Supine Hamstring Stretch

The supine hamstring stretch is a safe, highly effective, and remarkably versatile mobility exercise. Its floor-based position ensures ease of execution while proving exceptionally potent in enhancing hamstring flexibility. Beyond its flexibility benefits, this stretch frequently aids in alleviating low back pain, addressing hip stiffness, and contributing to a lowered risk of injuries.

Begin by lying on your back with one leg lifted straight off the ground, keeping the other on the floor. Place your hands behind the lifted leg, or use a yoga strap, and gently pull the leg toward your chest until you feel a comfortable stretch in the hamstring. Repeat on the other side. Complete two to three sets of 15 to 30-second holds. Complete 15 to 20 reps with a two to three-second hold for a dynamic approach.

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Pigeon Stretch

Integrating the pigeon stretch into your fitness routine is a gesture your hips and glutes will appreciate. This dynamic mobility exercise works wonders for enhancing the flexibility of these muscle groups, ultimately translating into improved overall movement and functionality.

Begin in a plank position and move into a pigeon pose by bringing your right knee forward and straightening your left leg behind you. Next, place your right hand on the floor, and rotate your left arm toward the ceiling, feeling a stretch in your hips and a twist in your upper back. Repeat on the other side. Perform two to three sets of 12 to 15 reps per side.

Half-Kneeling Adductor Mobility

The half-kneeling adductor mobility exercise is crucial in a comprehensive mobility routine, uniquely focusing on your inner leg (adductors). Very few stretches target your inner leg, and if overlooked, can lead to discomfort and tightness in the lower body. This makes the half-kneeling adductor mobility exercise vital for keeping you active and mobile.

Start in a half-kneeling position with your right knee on the ground and your left foot forward. Move your left foot to the side, placing it perpendicular to your right leg out of your hips. Keep your torso tall and facing forward as you move into position, and gently shift your hips toward your left leg, feeling a stretch in the right inner thigh. Repeat on the other side. Complete two to three sets of 30 to 45-second holds per set.

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Half-Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Next on this list of flexibility exercises is the half-kneeling hip flexor stretch. Improving the flexibility and mobility of your hip flexors can significantly elevate your performance in squats, lunges, and deadlifts. This contributes to improved strength and range of motion and plays a crucial role in relieving back pain and fostering increased flexibility throughout the lower body.

Begin in a half-kneeling position with the right knee on the ground and the left foot forward. Maintaining a tall torso, squeeze your core and gently shift your hips forward to feel a stretch in the right hip and thigh. Switch legs, place the left knee on the ground, and repeat. Perform for two to three sets of 30 to 60-second holds per set. Focus on inhalational exhalation breath cycles.

Wall Calf Stretch

wall calf stretch

Given that you spend most of your day on your feet, giving them some well-deserved attention is only fair. Incorporating the wall calf stretch into your routine can effectively mobilize your calves and soleus, enhancing the functionality of your knees, ankles, and feet. This simple practice is particularly beneficial as tight calves often contribute to discomfort in the feet and knees.

Start by standing, facing a wall, and placing your hands at shoulder height. Step back with your right foot, keeping it straight and the heel on the ground while bending your left knee forward. Lean your upper body toward the wall until you feel a stretch in your right calf. Complete two to three sets of 15 to 30-second holds. For a dynamic approach, 10 to 15 reps per side with a two to three-second hold.

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