Sip Your Way to Health: 10 Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

  • Prevents urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C and polyphenols
  • Promotes heart and skin health

Cranberry juice is a popular drink mostly appreciated for its fine taste and remarkable characteristics for the person’s health. This juice is obtained from the cranberry plant’s small, sour berries and not only enhances the taste of several diets but also offers nutritional value to them. Cranberry juice contains a host of benefits that would go a long way in any person’s health (1 Trusted Source
American cranberries and health benefits – an evolving story of 25 years

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10 Health benefits of Consuming Cranberry Juice

1. Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Probably, the best-known fact about cranberry juice is that it helps to avoid getting a UTI. Flavonoids including proanthocyanidins, removes the ability of bacteria, such as E. coli, to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract. This action can prevent contraction of infections and maintain the bladder health (2 Trusted Source
Cranberry Juice and Combinations of Its Organic Acids Are Effective against Experimental Urinary Tract Infection

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2. Rich in Antioxidants
Cranberry juice contains good amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols. These antioxidants help fight oxidative stress which results from free radicals that cause damage to body cells and form the basis of chronic diseases. Daily and continued consumption may be beneficial for general health and even for an extended life span (3 Trusted Source
Antioxidant and antiradical properties of cranberry juice and extracts

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3. Immune System Boost

The high vitamin C content in cranberry juice makes a major contribution to the enhancement of immunity. Vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells which are important in body fighting against infections as well as promoting a good immune system.

4. Heart Health

Cranberry juice might have a positive effect on cardiovascular health due to the antioxidant and anti inflammation capabilities. Some studies have indicated that it enhances blood vessel elasticity, reduces blood pressure, and decreases LDL cholesterol helping enhance cardiovascular health (4 Trusted Source
Effects of Cranberry Juice Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Adults with Elevated Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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5. Digestive Health
Cranberry juice also contains intestinal health benefits since it helps to maintain a positive gut flora. They may put a stop to the growth of unhealthy microbes while promoting growth of good microbes that can benefit one’s digestive tract (5 Trusted Source
Antimicrobial effect of cranberry juice and extracts

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6. Skin Health

Cranberry juice contains antioxidants that can help shield the skin from harm by environmental factors as well as free radical damage. This protection may also help skin retain its elasticity and therefore plays a part in the skin aging process.


7. Oral Health
Cranberry juice has been found to be effective as a product that enhances oral health. They reduce some bacterial strains known to cause gum disease and tooth decay that improves oral health and minimizes infection (6 Trusted Source
Exploring the role of cranberry polyphenols in periodontits: A brief review

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8. Anticancer Properties

The research also reveals that juice containing cranberry has antioxidants and polyphenol that have anticancer properties. It may slow the growth of cancer cells and decrease the probability of some forms of cancers (7 Trusted Source
Cranberries: Contain Phenolic Compounds

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9. Weight Management
Cranberry juice contains very few calories in the daily serving and is also rich in fiber thus can be taken when on a diets program. The fiber can cause feelings of the abdomen being full, which may lead to overall decrease of calorie consumptions (8 Trusted Source
Cranberry Product Decreases Fat Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans

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10. Regulation of Blood Sugar Levels

Cranberry juice may be useful in blood sugar control, as it reduces the rate at which sugar is ingested into the blood. This property can be useful for diabetics or for those people who want to keep fit and do not feel hungry during the day (9 Trusted Source
The effects of cranberry juice on serum glucose, apoB, apoA-I, Lp(a), and Paraoxonase-1 activity in type 2 diabetic male patients

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Even though consuming cranberry juice has numerous health benefits, moderation is highly recommended. Closely look at the sugar content in order to make the most of the juice’s health benefits.


  1. American cranberries and health benefits – an evolving story of 25 years – (
  2. Cranberry Juice and Combinations of Its Organic Acids Are Effective against Experimental Urinary Tract Infection – (
  3. Antioxidant and antiradical properties of cranberry juice and extracts – (
  4. Effects of Cranberry Juice Supplementation on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Adults with Elevated Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial – (
  5. Antimicrobial effect of cranberry juice and extracts – (
  6. Exploring the role of cranberry polyphenols in periodontits: A brief review – (
  7. Cranberries: Contain Phenolic Compounds – (
  8. Cranberry Product Decreases Fat Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans – (
  9. The effects of cranberry juice on serum glucose, apoB, apoA-I, Lp(a), and Paraoxonase-1 activity in type 2 diabetic male patients – (


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