The #1 Strength Workout to Reshape Your Body After 40

So many individuals find themselves reaching a certain point in life when…

The Best Core-Strengthening Exercises for Men

Every guy wants a strong and lean midsection. And hey, why not?…

Drop 5 Pounds Fast With This Daily Bodyweight Workout

Losing weight quickly requires you to burn more calories than you eat.…

The Best Ab Workout for Men to Get a Chiseled Six-Pack

Sculpting a strong, chiseled six-pack goes beyond looking ripped at the beach.…

What a Lifting Belt Can—and Can’t—Do for Your Workout

To be even more clear: Lifting belts aren’t necessary for beginners, or…

No, you don’t have to poo every day: eight things nutrition experts want you to know

No, you don’t have to poo every day: eight things nutrition experts…

5 Best Exercises To Maintain Lower-Body Strength as You Age

As you grow older, preserving strength in your lower body becomes more…

The Best Machine Workout for Bigger Pecs

There are a few incredible machine exercises that pack on a ton…

Chew slowly, keep moving and eat 30 plants a week: 12 rules for gut health

Chew slowly, keep moving and eat 30 plants a week: 12 rules…

7 Cardio Habits That Are Destroying Your Body After 50

Cardiovascular training is one of the best things you can do as…

5 Exercises for Men To Increase Testosterone

When it comes to men’s health, testosterone is a major topic. Declining…

What are the real signs of a healthy gut? A user’s guide

What are the real signs of a healthy gut? A user’s guide…

21 Songs to Power Your Morning Routine on Days When You’re Just Not Feeling It

We all have days that just feel, well, damn hard. Sometimes you…

The Top 4 Dumbbell Exercises for Sleek, Visibly Toned Arms

With spring in the air, you’re probably excited to wear your short…

5 Tips for Building Muscle Without Heavy Lifting

If your goal is to gain muscle, then you need to do…

5 Flat-Belly Exercises To Look Younger & Fitter in Your 40s

Life has a way of taking over as you get up in…

8 Most Effective Machine Exercises To Build Broader Shoulders

Strong, defined shoulders are a staple of any muscular build. Given that…