Coronavirus made its way through Parliament, badly affecting the Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Now the Etonian reveals what he went through while in hospital.

In a candid interview with The Sun on Sunday, the PM detailed that he was given “litres and litres of oxygen” to stay alive.

Taken care of at London’s St Thomas’ Hospital, he thanks the “wonderful, wonderful nursing” that saved his life.

Remembering back to the ordeal, he admitted: “It was a tough old moment, I won’t deny it.”

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson feared death

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson feared death (Image: Getty)

Medical website Patient classifies which coronavirus symptoms are considered mild, moderate, severe and critical.

Patients with severe coronavirus symptoms are likely to have pneumonia – inflammation of the lungs.

Those with underlying health conditions are more vulnerable to this complication.

And people experiencing this side effect of coronavirus are like to feel very breathless.


In severe pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can develop.

This is when the small air sacs in the lungs are so inflamed and wet that they tend to stick shut.

This is when a ventilator is used to help inflate the lungs.

The most critical develop sepsis and other bodily organs stop working.

Boris Johnson: Heartfelt pledge

Boris Johnson: His heartfelt pledge is to help as many people as possible (Image: Getty)

“The doctors had all sorts of arrangements for what to do if things went badly wrong,” Boris admitted.

Boris’ near-death experience has propelled his desire to help others.

Having battled the virus in hospital, Boris continued to rest till he was back to full health on Monday April 27, when Boris returned to work.

“If you ask me, ‘Am I driven by a desire to stop other people suffering?’ Yes, I absolutely am.

“But I am also driven by an overwhelming desire to get our country as a whole back on its feet, healthy again, going forward in a way that we can and I’m very confident we’ll get there,” he proclaimed.

So close to his own stint in intensive care, Boris was back round the wards for a much happier reason.

On April 29, him and fiancée Carrie Symonds welcomed their little boy into the world.

Named Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson, Ms Symonds said the the middle name, Nicholas, is a tribute to “Dr Nick Price and Dr Nick Hart – the two doctors that saved Boris’ life last month”.

Source: Daily Express

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