DeForest Buckner Biography, Check out the total DeForest Buckner Biography here. DeForest Buckner is a Football player born on 17 March 1994.
DeForest Buckner the Football player account is being looked through by the fans.

Name DeForest Buckner
Date of Birth 17 March 1994
Age 27
Birthplace Waianae, Hawaii
Height 2.01 m
Weight 134

Here you can really take a look at the DeForest Buckner memoir and much more insights concerning the entertainer.
DeForest Buckner was born on 17 March 1994. DeForest Buckner has acquired prevalence, so there are individuals who enthusiastically look for DeForest Buckner history. Indeed, look at DeForest Buckner life story beneath.

First how about we start with DeForest Buckner Age, according to thepersonage DeForest Buckner is 27 years of age. According to thepersonage, DeForest Buckner stands 2.01 m. Look at the total DeForest Buckner life story from the table beneath.
DeForest Buckner Age DeForest Buckner was born on 17 March 1994. As referenced in the DeForest Buckner Biography table DeForest Buckner is 27 years of age.

DeForest Buckner was born in Waianae, Hawaii.

DeForest Buckner Height and Weight Individuals who don’t have the foggiest idea how tall DeForest Buckner is can really take a look at this part.

According to thepersonage, DeForest Buckner stands 2.01 m and weighs 134.

Source: TG TIME

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