Make no bones about it: A big belly can result in a big problem. Excessive belly fat can be the cause of many chronic health conditions, including high blood pressure, asthma, heart attack, dementia, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers. If you have belly fat, it’s so important to learn healthy lifestyle habits to help shrink a big belly for good.

We spoke with Stefania Xytakis, a personal trainer on Fyt, the largest personal training service in the nation that makes certified fitness expert-guided training—whether virtual or in-person—convenient for everyone. Xytakis shares with us six important habits to incorporate into your daily routine in order to trim down belly fat. Knowing the right things to do is half of a successful journey. All you need to do is set the plan in motion, and you will accomplish great things.

Keep reading to learn about the healthy lifestyle habits that’ll help you shrink a big belly for good.

nuts and dried fruitnuts and dried fruit

In order to shrink a big belly for good, consider adding unsalted dried fruit and nut mix to your shopping list for nutritious snacks. Keep these tasty bites within arm’s reach where you spend lots of time, such as your office desk, car, and living room. By choosing healthy snacks to have on hand for a fun treat, you will avoid consuming anything that’s not good for you.

Related: The 5 Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat and Slow Aging, Says Fitness Expert

mature man brushing his teeth, healthy lifestyle habits to shrink a big belly for goodmature man brushing his teeth, healthy lifestyle habits to shrink a big belly for good

By getting into this habit for mundane tasks like brushing your teeth and taking out the garbage, you will help with any muscle imbalances. Xytakis tells us, “This method is a great way to increase your mind-body connection as you’re doing ordinary tasks in a new way.”

mac and cheese with broccolimac and cheese with broccoli

The next time you decide to whip up mac and cheese for dinner, add some broccoli or spinach to it. “You can even throw it in with the boiling pasta,” Xytakis suggests.

Related: This 10-Minute Visceral Fat Reducer Is What Your Belly Needs at 50, Trainer Says

grapefruit and grapefruit juicegrapefruit and grapefruit juice

Each time you head to the grocery store, make it a game to pick a different fruit or veggie for that particular week. Xytakis points out, “This will help incorporate more veggies to your diet, and you never know what new veggie could be your next favorite!”

mature man walking to yoga class in order to shrink a big belly for goodmature man walking to yoga class in order to shrink a big belly for good

It’s pretty fun to challenge yourself to get in some extra steps each day. It’s so convenient to drive a car—and much quicker! But every step you take counts, and adding unexpected strides will make a major difference in the long run.

senior couple fall hikingsenior couple fall hiking

Probably two of the most important habits are staying loyal to balanced eating and moving around. Both of these are important, because it’s you showing up for yourself. Xytakis tells us, “Caring for yourself and your health is a way of demonstrating that you want to be able to do things for as long as you can while feeling good doing it. It also shows others in your life that you care about them, and you want to be able to be there for them.” She adds, “Starting small, being consistent, and having a plan will help individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle. Also, having the right support in place to provide positive feedback and motivation while making change is very critical.”

Alexa Mellardo

Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering compelling fitness, wellness, and self-care topics to readers. Read more


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