Horse Gram: Discover The Benefits Of This Superfood
Horse Gram: Discover The Benefits Of This Superfood

Horse gram millet is a nutritional powerhouse that offers a multitude of health benefits.

Written by saumya pandey |Published : September 25, 2023 11:30 AM IST

For optimal health and wellness, people often search for the best options and the first idea is to change their diet. It matters what you eat as it is one of the important factors in determining your health. While many healthy food sources should be added to the diet, still some food sources are less known. You must have heard of black gram, red gram, and green gram but have you heard of horse gram? Horse gram is one of the most nutritious legumes known by its different regional names like kulthi bean, hurali, or madras gram. It is the most protein-rich lentil that is often used to feed horses. They’re also rich in carbohydrates and minerals like iron, molybdenum, and calcium. Let’s find out some essential reasons for eating horse grams

Rich In Nutrients

As mentioned above, the horsegram millet is rich in nutrients. It is also known as Macrotyloma uniflorum. It contains good sources of protein and amino acids that are body needs for muscle repair and better functioning. People who don’t rely on a non-vegetarian diet for nutrition, should trust the power of this superfood and add it to their diet. Furthermore, horsegram millet is rich in dietary fiber, which helps in smooth digestion and maintaining a healthy weight. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are crucial for various bodily functions, including bone health and energy production.

Weight Management

If you want to eat healthy and shed some weight then horsegram is the best option. This superfood contains high fiber content that makes you feel full and satisfied, reducing overeating. Additionally, this grain has a relatively low glycemic index, which means it can help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes and crashes in energy. Horse gram is known for its help in weight loss. It contains polyphenols and flavonoids that may help in burning fat and increasing metabolic rate. Incorporating this grain into your weight management plan can be a smart choice.

Better Heart Health

Maintaining heart health is a priority for many, hence choosing the correct diet matters and horse gram can be your ally if you are thinking of cardiovascular well-being. Its fiber content helps reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol, in the bloodstream. Lower LDL cholesterol is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. Furthermore, the presence of magnesium in horsegram millet can help regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension. This grain’s antioxidant properties may also protect your heart by preventing oxidative damage to blood vessels.

Better Digestive Health

A healthy digestive tract is essential for overall wellness, and horse gram millet can promote digestive health. This grain’s dietary fiber helps maintain regular bowel motions and guards against constipation. Additionally, it supports a healthy gut flora by feeding the good bacteria that live there. The presence of substances in horse gram millet such as tannins and polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory qualities and may ease stomach pain, is another benefit. Your digestive system can benefit from including this grain in your diet by feeling joyful and healthy.

Sustainable Source Of Energy

The body needs energy to function well and horse gram can be your constant source of energy. Its complex carbohydrates are slowly digested, leading to a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream. This results in prolonged energy levels and sustained stamina, making it an excellent choice for endurance athletes and those with active lifestyles.

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