Surprising Side Effects of Eating Apples, According to Science

Getting healthier isn’t always a chore—in fact, a popular food you probably…

Why Eating Dirt (aka Soil-Based Organisms) Should Be Part of Your Daily Routine

The following is an adapted excerpt from my book “Eat Dirt: Why…

Senna Tea: Healthy Natural Laxative or Too Much of a Good Thing?

Senna is an herb that comes from a variety of flowering species…

Prune Juice Provides Constipation Relief & Much More

Prune juice: It’s not just for granny anymore! This thick fruit juice…

This Eating Habit May Wreck Your Gut Health, Says Science

Too much of a good thing may end up punching you in…

What Happens to Your Gut When You Eat Oatmeal

If you were to picture what happens when you dig into a…

Plantains: 6 Reasons to Add to Your Diet (#5 Will Make You Think)

Although not a staple food in the United States, plantains have a…

The #1 Best Fruit for a Healthy Gut, Says Dietitian

A healthy gut includes one that doesn’t make your visits to the…

Almond Oil Benefits for Dry Skin, Eczema, Stretch Marks & More

Your skin needs it. Your heart needs it. Even your colon needs…

One Major Effect of Postbiotics on Your Stomach, Says Science

Prebiotics and probiotics have become fairly well known for their ability to…

11 Best Natural Laxatives to Make You ‘Regular’

Constipation is one of the most commonly reported health problems, affecting about…

Jujube Fruit Benefits Include Better Digestion and Immunity

I bet you’ve heard of the candies known as jujubes, juju fruits…

Kamut: The High-Energy, High-Nutrient Ancient Grain

Kamut® (pronounced ka-moot) is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. The…

Kvass: A Fermented Beverage with Probiotic and Cancer-Fighting Benefits

If you haven’t seen kvass at the grocery store, chances are you…

Why Sprouted Grain Bread Is Healthier than Regular Bread

By now, you’ve probably heard about and seen sprouted grain bread at…

Greek Yogurt Nutrition: Good or Bad?

Around the world, dairy is mostly recognized as an important part of…

Bovine Collagen Benefits for Skin, Sleep & Muscle Repair

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and that’s because…

Collard Greens Nutrition Helps Fight Cancer, Provide Detox Support and More

If you aren’t familiar with the benefits of collard greens nutrition, you…

Rutabaga Nutrition Benefits Immunity, Digestion & More

Rutabagas are root vegetables that are high in fiber, vitamin C and…

Top 23 High-Fiber Foods and the Benefits of Each

Fiber — we know we need it, but even with all the…