Belly fat is an all-too-common, uninvited visitor. In fact, it’s something that seems to appear quickly and take forever to leave. If this sounds all too familiar to you, consider these seven at-home exercises to lose belly fat in 30 days.
You’ll love this routine because you don’t have to get to the gym in order to see noticeable results. When it comes to starting a new fitness regimen, many individuals don’t want to join a gym and prefer to work out from home. Many of my clients have achieved great results from doing so. With this in mind, let’s get to it!
If you’re trying to lose belly fat in 30 days, then working out, particularly performing strength training, needs to be the primary focus of your routine. Strength training helps you build muscle, burn fat, and elevate your metabolism. There are many exercises you can do using basic equipment, and I have you covered.
Here are seven exercises you can start right now to reduce your belly fat in the next 30 days. Just grab a pair of dumbbells and resistance bands, and you’re all set! Keep reading to learn more, and next, check out 5 Simple At-Home Exercises To Stay in the Best Shape.

This first exercise begins with you holding a dumbbell in a vertical position by your heart’s center. Keep your core tight, hinge your hips back, and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Rise up ¼ of the way, then lower into a squat, and then push through your heels and hips to rise back up, flexing your quads and glutes at the top. Perform three to four sets of 12 to 15 reps.

Set up for band rows by wrapping a resistance band around a sturdy surface, like a pole or a beam. Grip the band with both hands, then take two steps back to gain some tension. Keep your core tight, drive your elbows back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together. To finish, extend your arms to get a full stretch. Complete three to four sets of 15 reps.

Position a set of dumbbells in front of you, and then assume a pushup/high plank. Take hold of the dumbbells. Keep your hips high, your chest tall, and your core tight as you lower your body until it’s about an inch or two above the ground. Then, push yourself back up, flexing your triceps and pecs at the end. Perform three to four sets of 10 to 15 reps.
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Bulgarian split squats start by standing tall with a dumbbell in each hand. Plant one foot on a workout bench or couch. Take a step forward with the other foot about two to three feet from the bench. With control, lower into a split squat. Your back knee should almost touch the ground. Then, push back up as you flex your quads and glutes. Complete three to four sets of 10 reps with each leg.

The single-leg dumbbell hip thrust will have you positioning your back on a workout bench with your legs supporting your core (which should be suspended in the air). Place a dumbbell on top of one of your legs. Keep your core tight as you bend at the waist to lower your body. Rise back up by pushing through your heel to extend your hip upward. Squeeze hard at the top for two seconds, and then lower your leg with control before the next rep. Perform three to four sets of 10 to 15 reps with each leg.

Get into a pushup/high plank for this exercise, making sure to keep your shoulders lined up with your wrists and your hips high. Your core should stay tight as you reach one arm to the opposite shoulder. Tap that shoulder, then bring your arm back down, and do the same thing with the opposite arm. Keep your back straight and your glutes squeezed. Complete three to four sets of eight to 10 reps with each arm.

Wrap up with the final exercise, cross-body mountain climbers, by assuming a pushup. Your feet should be fully extended and your shoulders aligned with your wrists. Keep your core tight as you take one knee and drive it toward the opposite elbow, flexing your obliques. Bring your leg back to the pushup position before repeating the motion with the other leg. Alternate back and forth, maintaining tension in your core the entire time. Perform three to four sets of 10 reps with each leg.
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.