Lemon Water for Weight Loss Detox Recipe

Lemon Water for Weight Loss Detox Recipe

Have you ever used lemon water for weight loss? Along with a lemon water detox recipe we are also sharing a list of foods that aid in water weight loss.

I have to admit that I love salty snacks. Peanuts, popcorn, crackers, you name it. But eating too much salt can be bad for you in many ways. One of them is water weight gain. Other things, such as medications, can cause you to retain water too, and time isn’t the only answer. Here are some foods that can help you to lose the weight caused by retaining water.

Water Weight Loss Foods

Here are some good foods to eat when you’ve put on a bit of extra weight due to fluids retention.


Cucumbers have a high water content, which makes them a good choice when it comes to aiding in flushing out your system. They also contain substances that help to flush uric acid out of your kidneys. Excess uric acid can lead to gout.


Cranberries can also help to flush out your system. They contain substances that won’t allow bacteria to stick to the bladder and urinary tract, helping to fight bladder and kidney infections.


Watermelons contain high amounts of water making it a great addition to your lemon water for weight loss. They also contain vitamins and minerals that can help to keep you healthy. Watermelons contain natural vasodilators. These help to relax the muscles in the walls of veins, helping them to open more. This can help your heart to not work as hard and help to get blood moving better.


Celery is one of the best diuretics there are. It can aid in ridding the body of excess fluid and also contains natural electrolytes.


Ginger, either eaten in foods or steeped in tea, can help to shed excess water in your body. It is gentle without being dehydrating.


Lemons contain high amounts of water and vitamin C to boot. Lemon water is recommended by many physicians to help with water weight loss as it helps to flush bacteria out of the system. Lemons also work well to fight urinary tract infections for this reason.

Dandelion Roots

Dandelion roots are another great natural diuretic. It can be used dried as a tea or roasted and used as a coffee substitute.

Herbal Tea

Adding herbal tea to your lemon water for weight loss will help to shed excess fluid from your system. Herbal teas are rich in water and can have other benefits such as being calming or energizing. Use caffeinated teas sparingly. Caffeine can help to rid your body of water, though studies show they do not cause fluid loss in excess of the volume ingested.[1] Teas that fall in this category are black, green and white tea, yerba mate, and blends with these.

Consult Your Physician

Note: It goes without saying that you should consult your doctor before trying to lose weight. There may be underlying conditions that could be harmful, such as taking diuretic medications. The foods and medications taken together can help to dehydrate you, which could be worse than having the excess weight from water. There may also be ailments, such as heart disease, that you don’t know about. Eating these foods could make some ailments worse.

Lemon Water for Weight Loss

This lemon water detox recipe can help to get rid of excess water in the system and add nutrients to your body. It can help to keep you hydrated in the best way!


  • 1 cucumber (peeled or not-your choice)
  • 1 apple, cored and peeled
  • the juice from 1 lemon
  • the juice from one grapefruit
  • a handful of parsley
  • two tablespoons dandelion root tea (dry, unprepared)
  • 2 quarts water
  • sweetener if desired.


  1. Prepare the dandelion tea by steeping the roots in hot water for 5-10 minutes and strain. (If you don’t want things floating in your water, you can use an infuser or tie everything together in a double sheet of cheesecloth.)
  2. Cool, add the rest of the ingredients to this lemon water for weight loss, and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.
  3. Serve over ice or you can drink it hot.


Use a sweetener if desired as it can be quite tart. I have a pitcher that has an infuser built right into it, so it’s perfect for making this water. You can drink it all in one day or refrigerate whatever is leftover and drink it the next day.

You can also make this lemon water detox recipe and freeze it in cubes. Then place the cubes in a glass and pour water over them. I like this for a nice cool treat in the summer, plus it has extra nutrients in it!

Have you used lemon water for weight loss as a way to get rid of excess fluid? Tell us how you did it!



Source: DIY Natural – Food