The workout below is for Day 22 of the SELF 2022 Spring Challenge. Check out the full four-week workout program right here. Or go to the workout calendar here. If you’d like to sign up to receive daily emails for this challenge, you can do that here.
You’ve made it to your final week of the challenge—congrats, #TeamSELF, this is huge! These workouts haven’t been easy, and you’ve absolutely been crushing them. We bet you can tell by how you’re feeling during these workouts that your strength and endurance has already improved after these three weeks.
So we’re going to add a final layer of challenge: Starting today, the remainder of your cardio routines will include five moves in the main workout circuit rather than four. That means you’ll have to work a little longer before you get to that rest period between rounds, but we know you’re ready for it!
Your total-body cardio HIIT and abs routine on tap for today is filled with both compound moves and ones that really hone in specifically on your core. For your lower-body, we’ve got the curtsy lunge and the sumo squat—exercises that work big muscle groups and really get your heart pumping. The inchworm to modified push-up and the plank row will bring your upper-body into the mix, while the flutter kick will really target your abs. All these moves are low impact, making this routine a great one for someone who’s just not in a jumping mood—or who wants to keep down the noise level for their neighbors downstairs!
The low-impact theme in this HIIT and abs routine continues for your optional EMOM bonus—a four-minute abs finisher! You’ll work every part of your core (including those all-important obliques) with the plank shoulder tap and bicycle crunch.
Ready to get started? Grab an exercise mat and bring it!
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Complete each exercise for the chosen work/rest interval:
I = 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest
II = 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest
III = 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest
Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Complete 2 to 5 rounds.
- Curtsy Lunge
- Inchworm to Modified Push-up
- Sumo Squat
- Plank Row
- Flutter Kick
After your last circuit, try the bonus EMOM: Do both moves for the recommended number of reps aiming to finish in under 60 seconds. If you have time left over, rest. At the top of the next minute, start again. Repeat 4 times total (a total of 4 minutes).
- Plank Shoulder Tap
- Bicycle Crunch
Source: https://www.self.com