If you can walk on it, you can run on it: a beginner’s guide to trail running

If you can walk on it, you can run on it: a…

Figure skating isn’t seen as extreme, but learning in my 40s I found ice extremely hard | Andrew Herrick

Figure skating isn’t seen as extreme, but learning in my 40s I…

Experience: I almost died while pole dancing

Experience: I almost died while pole dancing I loved the sport until…

Learning to Snowboard as an Adult Was Terrible—But I Love It Anyway

I grew up confident that I was bad at sports. Specifically, that…

A day at the beach: ‘I gawped as surfers carved along the huge waves. It was too late to back out’

A day at the beach: ‘I gawped as surfers carved along the…

Giant steps: why walking in nature is good for mind, body and soul

Giant steps: why walking in nature is good for mind, body and…

Bad weather is good for you: take a walk in the wind and rain

Bad weather is good for you: take a walk in the wind…

Bin-night bonding: why spring is the perfect time to get to know your neighbours

Bin-night bonding: why spring is the perfect time to get to know…

Dance like no one’s watching – and six more ways to recapture childhood fun

Dance like no one’s watching – and six more ways to recapture…

Alone but not lonely: the solo activities that help foster connection

Alone but not lonely: the solo activities that help foster connection Loneliness…

Three-quarters of UK adults can’t read a map – here’s how to get better

Three-quarters of UK adults can’t read a map – here’s how to…

‘We didn’t feel it was for us’: the UK’s minority ethnic walking groups tearing down barriers

‘We didn’t feel it was for us’: the UK’s minority ethnic walking…

‘I’m 80 and I’ve got more energy than most people’: the Arizona cheerleader squad for retirees – in pictures

The Sun City Poms – currently aged from 58 to 89 –…

From sundae stations to snorkel trails – 30 ideas for cheap fun this summer

From sundae stations to snorkel trails – 30 ideas for cheap fun…

Eat plants, try pilates and stay positive: how to keep your body younger than your years

Eat plants, try pilates and stay positive: how to keep your body…

Shift your vibe! 60 quick ways to make yourself slightly happier

Shift your vibe! 60 quick ways to make yourself slightly happier Things…

One down, 39,136 to go: the explorers who walk every street in their city

One down, 39,136 to go: the explorers who walk every street in…

Surf’s up: how to care for wetsuits and steamers

Surf’s up: how to care for wetsuits and steamers From avoiding stretched…

Indira Naidoo on the joy of kite flying: ‘Like taking a dog for a walk in the sky’

Indira Naidoo on the joy of kite flying: ‘Like taking a dog…

What is the healthiest way to walk? We ask an expert

What is the healthiest way to walk? We ask an expert Annabel…