Whether you play sports, love exercising, or simply want to feel more energized throughout the day, stamina is key. Stamina—aka “conditioning”—is your ability to perform intense physical activity over a certain period of time. People who lack stamina might be fine for a minute or two, but then they quickly “gas out.” People with great stamina, however, can go all day long. That’s why we’ve put together four must-do exercises that’ll help increase your stamina.
If you’re unsure where to begin as far as boosting your stamina, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for the best-recommended methods to build incredible stamina so you can handle whatever life throws your way. And next up, don’t miss What a Daily Strength Training Habit Does to Your Body After 50.

Long-duration endurance training is the most foundational way to build conditioning, regardless of your sport or hobby. It improves your aerobic system, which supplies energy during low-intensity exercise and helps you recover during high-intensity activity. According to the American Heart Association, performing endurance activity also ensures your circulatory system, lungs, and heart stay in good health.
To do this form of exercise correctly, target a heart rate between 135 to 150 bpm for 30 to 60 minutes several times a week. The methods don’t matter as much, so feel free to jog, bike, jump rope, or even do a circuit of mobility exercises.

For virtually every sport, stamina comes down to your lower-body endurance. To create bulletproof and resilient legs, you need to build muscle—not just rely on cardio. That’s where goblet squats come in. They blast your legs, and because you’re carrying the weight, you’re also doing isometric work for your upper body so you can build stamina there, too.
Grab the end of one dumbbell in both hands and hold it by your chest with your elbows underneath. Stand shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly out. Start the movement by sitting backward and spreading your knees apart. Descend below parallel while keeping your lower back flat. At the bottom, drive through your heels and keep your knees apart.
Do 10 to 15 reps for at least three sets. Slowly descend for 2 seconds and rise for 2 seconds.
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To build high-intensity stamina, mountain climbers are unbeatable. They push your heart rate to the max and get your legs working like crazy. Also, because you’ll be in the pushup position, you’re also building endurance there, which doesn’t hurt.
Place both feet on a slide board or separate sliding discs. Get into a pushup position. Keep your core tight, and run as fast as you can on the slide board while keeping your head up and your hips low. Do this for 20 seconds, rest for 40 seconds, and repeat.

Typically, “gym strength” only lasts several seconds, which is the length of a set. But then there’s “farmer strength,” which refers to the ability to do heavy work all day long. (Now that’s real stamina!)
To build that type of all-day strength, look no further than the aptly named farmer’s carry. It builds endurance in your entire body, increases your grip strength, and improves your cardiovascular system.
Grab a heavy dumbbell in both hands, keep your chest up and shoulder blades squeezed, and walk for 30 yards. Rest and repeat.
Anthony J. Yeung