Clint Eastwood is one of the most impressive actors in Hollywood. Not only has he been starring in movies since 1955, but he continues to wow audiences even at the age of 92. And this incredible feat has many people asking, “how has he stayed healthy and full of energy for so long?”

Eastwood has always known a thing or two about staying physically fit. He was lifting weights early on in life, starting around the age of 19 when, according to a 1991 article published in Muscle & Fitness, he was working out in “back-alley sweatshops.”

Decades later, he’s maintained a regular exercise routine and has focused heavily on his diet and what he eats on a daily basis. While Eastwood’s eating habits have helped him maintain his health into his 90s, his habits are rather restrictive and certainly not for everyone. In fact, we wouldn’t recommend adopting such strict habits in most cases.

He focuses on how much body fat he is carrying

Eastwood did an interview in 1991 with Muscle & Fitness, which can now be found online at Physical Culture Study. In this interview, Eastwood’s doctor at the time commented on his eating habits and exercise routine.

“Eastwood’s body fat is less than 10% based on an underwater-weighing analysis,” said Dr. Harry Demopoulos. And Eastwood commented, saying, “I’ve never carried much body fat, but I’ve always been pretty good about watching my diet.”

Dr. Demopoulos also commented on Eastwood’s diet at the time: “Eastwood maintains a low-fat, high protein diet. He also pays close attention to his cholesterol levels (his father, a meat and potatoes man, died at an early age of cardiovascular disease).”

He avoids sugar and alcohol in excess

According to Health Fitness Revolution, Eastwood avoids added sugar whenever he can, something that has most likely helped him maintain such good health even in his 90s.

“Stay away from carbohydrates, especially rich desserts. Keep a scale in your bathroom. Get proper rest. Try to be optimistic. Eat fruits and raw vegetables. Take vitamins. Skip beverages loaded with sugars. Avoid alcohol in excess,” says Eastwood.

He doesn’t really eat for pleasure

This is one we certainly don’t recommend trying to adopt for yourself. In an interview with Men’s Health magazine, Clint Eastwood’s son, Scott Eastwood, commented on his father’s diet growing up.

“My dad does not eat for pleasure,” Scott tells Men’s Health, “He eats salmon and brown rice for breakfast. I guess I’m the same way. If I could take a pill that gave me all the right nutrients so I could give up food, I would.”

While this seems to have worked for the Eastwood family, it doesn’t mean we should change the way we see food. Enjoying food for pleasure is perfectly healthy. In fact, many of the world’s longest-living people attribute pleasure and happiness to their longevity. In other words-enjoy the foods you love!


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