To say that Meryl Streep is impressive is a total understatement. The actress made her debut on broadway in 1975, and has since been in over 73 films and television shows. Just counting the Oscars alone, Streep has gained 21 nominations and has won three times. She’s also won several Golden Globes, Screen Actor’s Guild Awards, was nominated for a Tony Award, and was even nominated for a Grammy. And at the age of 72, Meryl Streep is still looking and feeling absolutely amazing.

Many people are wondering how the star has managed to continue with so much grace and success into her 70s, but for the most part, Streep has been fairly quiet about her health secrets and daily habits.

Thankfully, she has opened up in a few interviews about her health and how she maintains a balanced life at 72. Then, for more celebrity health tips, check out 5 Eating Habits Jane Fonda Swears by to Feel Amazing at 84.

woman eating fruitwoman eating fruit

While the star is sometimes fairly hush-hush about her daily routines, one thing that she’s very open about are her more “natural” habits. For example, Streep doesn’t spend tons of money on skincare, and instead uses SPF, stays away from touching her face throughout the day, and eats organic food.

eating with friendseating with friends

Meryl Streep does not shy away from the importance of sharing a meal with friends and investing in community around the dinner table. According to Vanity Fair, Streep hosted her co-stars at her home in Oklahoma for dinner and rehearsing.

In fact, Margo Martindale, who played Streep’s sister in “August: Osage County,” told Vulture that Meryl Streep was not only an excellent cook, but also extremely generous with her cooking.

Meryl cooked. She would be like, ‘Come over! I’m making this.’ ‘Come over! I’m making that.’ She can cook. Oh my goodness. She can cook anything. She’s Meryl Streep!”


Meryl Streep seems to live a very balanced life, and based on what she’s said in recent interviews, it seems that her health is just as much about her mindset and movement as it is about healthy eating.

Streep talked with The Guardian about her career, and when asked about accepting roles, she mentioned that she never dwells on the past. And where does the star do a lot of her thinking? It seems to be in the pool, swimming her daily laps.

“When I swim my 55 laps, I try to remember the movies I’ve been in order, and I can’t…the past is just a miasma,” says Streep.

retrain tastebuds eating healthyretrain tastebuds eating healthy

Streep spends her time living a healthy, balanced life, but the actress is also very vocal about not spending too much time being focused on appearances or weight loss. In 2014, Streep earned an honorary doctorate from Indiana University. In her speech, she gave honest, helpful advice to young people wanting to go into the industry.

“For young women, I would say, don’t worry so much about your weight. Girls spend way too much time thinking about that, and there are better things. For young men, and women, too, what makes you different or weird, that’s your strength. Everyone tries to look a cookie-cutter kind of way, and actually, the people who look different are the ones who get picked up. I used to hate my nose. Now, I don’t.”

eating pizzaeating pizza

Although this isn’t actual advice that Meryl Streep has given, it’s fun to note that she seems to always be down for a good especially if there’s pizza involved.

During the 2014 Academy Awards, host Ellen Degeneres decided to start handing out pizza about halfway through the program, and Meryl was one of the first to grab a slice. And while Degeneres had let a few celebrities in the fact that she’d be going into the audience, they weren’t sure exactly what would be happening. Regardless, Streep played along and enjoyed some pizza throughout the night.


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