Actress turned pop star, now back to actress in the upcoming Wicked film, Ariana Grande is truly an icon. Somehow between hit albums, new movie roles, and superb beauty products, she still finds time to focus on her diet.
In fact, Grande cares a lot about the foods she puts into her body—and it shows. The petite pop star wows fans again and again with her r.e.m. beauty promos, looking absolutely stunning. So what does the “34+35” singer do to look fabulous 24/7?
As for her slim figure, being vegan certainly helps. Grande’s had a vegan diet since 2013, and she’s learned which plant-based foods make her feel her best. But the star has other healthy tricks that keep her in shape too.
Read on to find out Grande’s eating habits, and next, check out Selena Gomez’s Exact Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Grande’s trainer Harley Pasternak told Popsugar that the pop star is all about her morning smoothies. She’ll even adopt a full smoothie diet sometimes when she’s doing a body reset. Pasternak said that she loves the white, red, and green smoothies. According to US News, each of these smoothies is loaded with the nutrients you need for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The smoothies get their names from their ingredients—for example, Pasternak’s green smoothie has spinach, pear, green grapes, avocado, lime, and Greek yogurt.

Sugar is not really a part of Grande’s diet, unless it’s natural. After all, the pop icon obsesses over berries, which have plenty of natural sugars. Grande often posts about her berry snacks on Instagram, and she seems to particularly love blueberries, which have lots of health benefits: lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and even the risk of heart disease. And when The Voice judge still has a craving for sugar, she’ll opt for a sweet potato with cinnamon.

When it comes to the “Positions” singer’s diet itself, her trainer said that she incorporates many Japanese foods. “Ariana Grande, she’s vegan, and she loves daikon, lotus, adzuki beans—almost like a macrobiotic Japanese [diet],” Pasternak told GLAMOUR. A macrobiotic diet has whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, with vegetables making up 25 to 35 percent of dietary intake. The diet is known to have a lot of anti-inflammatory foods that support weight loss and overall wellness.

Balance is key to Grande’s daily diet. Pasternak told PopSugar that the “Wicked” star is now not afraid to treat herself from time to time. And while she still eats super healthy, she’s loosened up a bit on what foods she allows herself to eat. “She has widened the ingredients she puts into her diet,” said Pasternak. A typical lunch for Grande might be a well-balanced salad with kale, avocado, cashews, and teriyaki.

Late-night snacking is never the move, but Grande’s trainer also warns against caffeine. While Grande may indulge in a soy latte during the day, she stays far away from coffee at night. “I give her the right practices to make sure she sets herself up for success, like making sure there is no caffeine before she goes to bed,” Pasternak told PopSugar. Drinking coffee in the afternoon or later could interfere with your sleep, lowering your energy levels during the day. And with a schedule as busy as Grande’s, she’s got to be on her game!
Want to know more about celeb diets? Check out the #1 Food Chris Evans Swears By In His 40s.
Mia Salas