Bananas have been known to be an extremely healthy snack option that’s packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients. But, have you ever wondered what happens to your body if you eat a banana every day?

In looking at the research, this habit may come with some surprising benefits—from improving your skin to even helping you lose weight. That said, it’s important to remember to not go overboard: Overall, you should only eat 1 to 3 bananas per day, according to experts.

If you’re a banana lover, you’ll be pleased to discover these amazing side effects of eating a healthy amount of bananas each day. And for more great nutrition tips, be sure to check out our dietitian-approved list of The #1 Best Juice to Drink Every Day, Says Science.


One effect of eating bananas on a regular basis could be that the number on your scale starts to go down. This is because of the protein and fiber-rich nature of bananas, which can leave you feeling full for a longer period and make you less likely to snack.

banana nut oatmealbanana nut oatmeal

Tryptophan, an amino acid that can end up making you feel sleepy, can be found in bananas, which is why eating a banana at the end of the day can get you feeling ready for bed.

In addition to tryptophan, bananas also contain magnesium and potassium, both of which have been found to act as muscle relaxants, and in turn, could possibly help ease you into sleep.

banana in handbanana in hand

An unhealthy gut can lead to various health issues throughout your body, so working on balancing your microbiome should be a top priority. Consuming bananas could be a great way to improve your gut health. A 2017 study review in Nutrition Bulletin revealed that bananas contain resistant starch, which can increase the production of short-chain fatty acids, AKA essentials for better gut health.

yogurt with banana slicesyogurt with banana slices

Due to the high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds found in bananas, the popular yellow fruit may be able help you lower your risk just by eating them. According to a Swedish study, women who ate four to six bananas a week were able to cut their risk of developing kidney cancer in half. That’s definitely a good reason to add bananas to your grocery list!

RELATED: 11 Banana Recipes Perfect for Using The Pantry Staple

banana milkshakebanana milkshake

Eating a banana each day will not only keep you from feeling fatigued, but it could also improve your athletic performance. A PLOS One 2012 study found a direct correlation between eating a banana and increased energy levels in male athletes who were competing in long-distance cycling races.

If you’re looking to boost your energy, you can also try the #1 Best Drink to Give You Energy, Says Dietitian.

Mashed banana sugar substitute

Mashed banana sugar substitute

Bet you never realized that eating a banana could improve your memory. According to the BCC, B vitamins give bananas the power to better support memory function, as well as help protect other aspects of the brain.

Studies have also found that students who eat bananas often perform better on exams, and some even learn more efficiently.

Woman peeling bananaWoman peeling banana

We’re constantly looking for new ways to improve our skin health, and apparently, eating more bananas could be the best place to start. There are many vitamins and minerals in bananas, but manganese, in particular, tends to work to boost the body’s collagen levels. According to Harvard Health, having better collagen levels can lead to more repaired skin, so everything from acne to wrinkles to dry skin may begin to clear after incorporating more bananas into your diet. 

RELATED: 25 Healthy Foods That Give You Glowing Skin.

banana cut upbanana cut up
Eiliv-Sonas Aceron / Unsplash

According to the Cleveland Clinic, anemia affects roughly 30% of the population, or 2 billion people globally. The symptoms can range from dizziness, headaches, and a fast heartbeat, among many others.

The iron content in bananas is very high and has been seen to boost the body’s overall levels. Thus, bananas can help counteract the possible effects of anemia. (Some other iron-rich foods that work to fight iron deficiencies include black beans and salmon.)


The main function of potassium in the body is to regulate muscle movement, and the most important muscle in your whole body is your heart. Considering most people do not consume enough potassium in their daily diet, eating a banana a day could be essential to regulating your blood pressure and other aspects of heart health.

In fact, a study revealed that a potassium-rich diet—especially one that involves lots of bananas—can help lower your risk of heart disease by 27%. If you’re not already including bananas in your diet, this may be a sign for you to start!

Bananas on a trayBananas on a tray

Did you ever think that your morning banana could be the reason for your happy mood? Well, it turns out it might be playing an important role in the matter. Once ingested, the tryptophan (amino acid associated with sleepiness) in bananas can also be converted directly into serotonin in the body. The additional serotonin from bananas could make you feel less depressed, and thus, boost your mood and make you feel happier.

Speaking of bananas, did you hear the claim that banana peels can help you lose weight and sleep better?

Roasted bananaRoasted banana

The National Institute of Health highlights three things that can possibly come from ingesting foods full of vitamin A: protecting your eyes, maintaining normal vision, and even improving vision at night. Not only is having a banana on hand to snack on incredibly easy, but also the health benefits, like this one, are immense.

Rachel Linder

Rachel is an Associate Editor responsible for compiling the daily Eat This, Not That! newsletter, making TikTok and YouTube videos for the brand, writing articles for the site, creating original graphics and providing direct assistance to the editors when needed. Read more


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